Can't find the book you want in our Library?

Get it mailed directly to you for free with


Note to Kern County Library Zip Books Program Users:

Congratulations Kern County readers, you are showcasing your reading prowess and have expended the funds for the Zip Books program for fiscal year 2023-2024 – way to go! 

The Zip Books program is currently on pause through summer 2024, until grant applications and funding for the new 2024-2025 fiscal year is allocated. Check in with us this fall, hopefully the funding will be back and available in September. Let us know how we can help you with reading selections. Happy reading! 

What is the Zip Books delivery service?

Kern County residents with a valid Kern County library cards in good standing can request books that the Library does not own. Zip Books are shipped directly to their home from Amazon. When finished, the book is returned to the library and potentially added to the collection! 

This project was supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

  • Published print titles not in the Kern County Library’s collection (check the catalog!) Titles must be published older than 6 months but within the last two years.
  • Titles that could reasonably be added to our library collection (check out our collection development policy here).
  • Titles that are priced at $45 or less on Amazon (some exceptions may be made for higher priced items). 
  • Patron must have a valid Kern County Library card.
  • Library account must be in good standing with the Library.
  • Item must not be available in the Kern County Library catalog.
  • Patrons may have 5 Zip Books checked out at a time. Zip Books must be returned before requesting another item, no more than 5 request per month.
  • The cost of the item must be under $45 for books.
  • Requests for Textbooks and study guides will not be accepted.

You can return a Zip Book directly to library staff (tell them it’s a Zip Book!) or put it in a bag (labeled as a Zip Book) and use the book drop!


Zip Books need to be returned to the library before requesting more titles. We recommend returning them within a month. There are currently no late fees assessed for Zip Books.

Requesting a Zip Book is Easy!

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