Kern County Behavioral Health & Recovery Services
Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month by wearing GREEN every Tuesday!
24/7 Crisis Hotline: 1-800-991-5272
24/7 Substance Use Access Line: 1-866-266-4898
Mary K. Shell Health Center
2151 College Avenue
Bakersfield, CA
Website: KernBHRS.org
Behavioral Health Events
Kick-Off Lighting Ceremony
May 3, 2021
Ceremony begins 7:45pm
Streaming LIVE on Facebook
Art in the Park
Stroll the Bluffs and enjoy a unique art experience. Want to get involved? Bring your own art supplies and start creating! Masks and social distance guidelines will be followed.
May 7-9, 2021
Sunrise to Sunset | Panorama Park
Virtual Mental Health Symposium
Register on EventBrite: Kern Behavioral Health & Recovery Services. Come together, raise awareness, end the stigma.
May 14, 2021
1-2pm via Zoom
Questions: info@KernBHRS.org
Revving Uppp for the Here for Health Pit Stop
Take care of BOTH your mental and physical health at our one-stop event. Masks and social distance guidelines will be followed. Hosted by CityServe and in collaboration with Dignity Health.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
9am – 12pm
3201 F Street, enter from 30th St.
Library Events
Book Talk Bakersfield
Join Kern County Library staff members, Fahra and Jasmin, as well as Behavioral Health & Recovery Services guest, Christina Rajlal, to talk about Mental Health Awareness Month. We will also be sharing what we are reading, watching, and listening to.
May 5, 2021
Episodes available in the evenings on Facebook @BealeMemorial and podcast streaming services.
Subscribe to receive the episode booklists direct to your email inbox.
Virtual Bilingual Storytime
English and Spanish speakers alike are invited to enjoy a bilingual family story time with stories, songs, and fun. This special story time will feature stories about managing our emotions, including a breath work exercise, and we’ll learn more abut the services offered at Kern County Behavioral Health & Recovery Services.
May 28, 2021
Streaming LIVE on Facebook